11 April 2010

Being Modest When it's Hottest

Once again, the temperature is rising and more and more Georgetown students are taking advantage of the warm weather by running outside, walking around, picnicking, and [YES] wearing inappropriate clothing. I am well-aware that I already gave my two-cents about ridiculous summer wardrobes about a year ago [see: "Why I hate Spring"], so I'm not going to rant about that again...but I am going to complain about girls donning bikinis on the front lawn.

Yes, bikinis. All Georgetown students, administrators, faculty, and staff have witnessed the Georgetown "Jane's" tanning on the front lawn in their barely-there swimsuits [my personal favorites are the ones who go topless and then try to cover up the fact that they are topless in a half-ass attempt at faking modesty]. For whatever reason, tanning on Healy lawn between classes, as professors and priests walk by, has become a rational decision. In fact, it has become so seemingly acceptable that girls, like one with whom I have class, think they can just throw on a mesh cover-up over their bikinis and then go to class and be taken seriously [think again].

Now, why on earth would you want people to see you as such? I understand that girls want tans so that they can sport their odiously short mini-skirts [of which I do not approve] without ghastly pale legs...but, really? In front of Jesuits and teachers? It's just a bad idea. And here's why:

Firstly, it is going to make people take you less seriously. Anyone who flaunts tanning in a public sphere where such behavior is certainly outside the norm [at least I like to think tanning is not a traditional part of the Georgetown experience] is going to come across as sadly needing attention and lacking self-awareness.

Secondly, it is going to be ridiculously immodest. No matter how attractive or shapely a young lady may be, there is absolutely no need to "show it off" in a primarily academic environment...or most environments. It shows a lack of self-respect and an ill-understanding of appropriate attire [very immature]. Girls are essentially sitting around in fancy, weather-proofed underwear [!!!].

Thirdly, it objectifies women. By sitting on the lawn, tanning in a bikini, young ladies make themselves objects to look at rather than people with whom to converse. It is just further solidifying ancient roles of women as "pretty things to look at."

Fourthly, it's not all that good for your skin. You might get skin cancer [and die].

There is something to be said for enjoying the weather, but the most enjoyment can be experienced when young ladies uphold modesty that helps them to respect themselves and, in turn, others to respect young ladies. It's as simple as wearing real clothes.

1 comment:

  1. I Love you Katelyn- and your blog, you make me laugh!
    ~ Bonnie
